CLASS DESCRIPTION Exploring Arts, Grade 12, Open (AEA 40)This course emphasizes the acquisition and application of knowledge and skills related to the creation, interpretation, and production of works in a variety of ways, involving four principles of arts; computer music, dramatic arts, music, and visual art. Students will study, evaluate, create, and promote artwork and productions, and will use a variety of established and experimental techniques and various technologies in individual or group projects. The expectations for the course are organized in three distinct but related strands: Theory, Creation, and Analysis.
In the visual art unit, students will use a variety of mediums, tools, processes, and technologies to create artwork. They will also apply the creative process and the design elements and principles to their own work that will be documented in the developmental workbook. Students will demonstrate understanding of visual art concepts by viewing artwork which represent historical, Western, non-Western, Canadian, and contemporary cultures. They will also explore aspects of and options for visual art careers. Each activity will provide students with enduring knowledge and essential skills for further studies in visual art. Each activity is framed by three essential questions, a strategy that will model problem solving and develop creative thinking skills. Connections among essential questions and concepts will be made evident from one activity to the next. Each of the essential questions addresses production, context, or reflection within visual art. 'Production' refers to the creation of works of art and design. 'Context' addresses the cultural and historical relevance of artwork and artifacts, and 'Reflection' refers to both philosophical questions about art making and more personal questions of value and significance as seen from the student's point of view.