CLASS DESCRIPTION Comprehensive Arts, Grade9, Open (ALC 10)This course integrates four areas of arts (drama, computer music, music, and visual arts) and examines the similarities and differences among these disciplines. Students will learn specialized arts vocabulary while investigating traditional concepts, stylistic elements and principles unique to the various arts, as well as applications of new technologies.
The visual art unit emphasizes learning through practice; building on what students know; and introducing them to new ideas, materials, and processes for artistic thinking and experimentation. The expectations for this unit are organized into three distinct that are Theory. Creation, and Analysis. Students are required to build their own portfolio and the developmental workbook including group projects and independent study projects that are initiated and completed by the students. They are expected to research on artists, art history, and related other disciplines. Each project will be developed in a process; research, study, creation, and self-evaluation and it will be recorded in the developmental workbook.