Bridge Over Troubled Water is an installation artwork embodies a dream of many islanders for decades of building a bridge between Izushima and the town of Onagawa mainland. By the process building the installation for three weeks everyday at vast coastal vacant lot affected by 2011 tsunami, the artist intended to raise motivation for reconstruction in the town and be positive for the future. In another word, it was intended for the purpose of creating an atmosphere by showing the “act (labour) of building,” not about the actual bridge alike installation. The driftwood used for the installation were all painted in gold and covered by red carpet for people to walk on. It was dedicated for the people who have lost their lives by the tsunami, and gratitude for nature and the earth.
*Since March 2017, the bridge has been under building construction.

2012, at tsunami affected coastal area of Onagawa, Miyagi prefecture, with Tonputei Tonpei, Camilla Singh, Montei Paison performing on the bridge.

2012, at tsunami affected coastal area of Onagawa, Miyagi prefecture, with Tonputei Tonpei, Camilla Singh, Montei Paison performing on the bridge.

Tonputei Tonpei, a Rakugo story teller