POWER TO THE PEOPLE is an art exhibit that examines various aspects of POWER and aims to draw public attention to it on an ongoing basis. Consisting of a variety of medium as photography, video, painting, design and music, the exhibit visualizes POWER representing unique perspectives of each participating artist. An accident at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant occurred after the Great East Japan Earthquake in March 2011 forced us to review the current energy resources in the world. The search for new generating systems such as solar, wind and geothermal has become active, and the past mainstream power resources like coal have been re-evaluated. Inspiring people in EM-POWER, transporting goods with HORSE-POWER, the word POWER has a meaning of moving things forward. It also means authority and its whereabouts has put the world through drastic changes in history. Thinking and leveraging those POWER Now, leaving children of the future a better place is no doubt our social responsibility.
Participating Artists Aokid, CAMP, Clara Venice, Curtis Talwst Santiago, Emelie Chhangur, Daisuke Takeya, David Trautrimas, Eiji Moribe, Kento Nito, Machida Electric Inc., ParcoKinoshita, Takashi Murakami, Tatsuko★88, Urich Lau, Yozo Takada
Sing out loud POWER TO THE PEOPLE with Clara Venice

Emelie Chhangur

David Trautrimas
David Trautrimas, “The Spyfrost Project 2010. Whirl Surge Generator,” 2010, 14″ x 17″ digital print on archival paper ed. /16. Private collection, Japan Courtesy of the artist

Takashi Murakami
Takashi Murakami, “315F53MMMIX2014,” mixed media. Installation view at Green Plaza at Tohoku Electric Power Co., Inc – Sendai, Japan

Mineki Murata
“Draw,” 2013. Photo by: Shinya Kogure Courtesy of Arts Maebashi, Gunma, Japan 《Draw》2013年 撮影木暮伸也 画像提供アーツ前橋

Clara Venice
reference only. Courtesy of the artist

Eiji Moribe
Eiji Moribe, #UMACTION.” reference only. Courtesy of the artist


Yozo Takada
Yozo Takada, “WINDSCAPE,” 2003 Courtesy of the artist

Parco Kinoshita
Reference only. Courtesy of the artist

Urich Lau
Urich Lau, “The End of Art Report, 2013, HD VIDEO, 4 min 30 sec. Courtesy of the artist

Kento Nito
Kento Nito, “Our weight is a love from the earth,” inkjet print, 594 × 841 mm. Private collection, Japan

Reference only. Courtesy of the artist

Machida Power Station Inc.
Reference only. Courtesy of the artist

Reference only. Courtesy of the artist