After almost a decade, Daisuke Takeya Website has been renewed.
People know of my praxis as someone who ‘paints large abstract sky and miniature realistic landscape hybrid paintings,’ ‘leads Japenase backpack Randoseru artwork project traveling in Asia and in Canada,’ ‘creates installation artwork using wastes and paint them in gold or yellow, or assembles hundreds of thousands of mosaic mirrors,’ ‘does intense performance artwork and directs a festival,’ ‘takes photographs of Lolita in Fukushima,’ ‘creates life size nude figurative paintings,’ ‘creates portraits of children and imitates their artwork following their playful production processes,’ and ‘paints angry women staring straight at you kinda portraits,”… and so on. They all seem to have different characteristics and people seldom think of them as I am out of focus or inconsistent. Yet each of them have quite long history and narrative that are quite distinctive and all deep have personal connection with me. Anyways, I hope my diverse praxis has finally made sense to the people as a single holistic approach on this website as a visible archival platform.
Thanks to designer Mr. A.J. for his work and kind guidance to manipulate the WordPress.